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然而从本质上来说,过去的互联网和联动互联网解决的是人与人连接的问题,到今天那些与我们生活息息相关的数字业务也都已经增长乏力。我们把眼光看到下一个十年的新移动通信技术,从NB-iot/eMTC到5G, 预计千亿量级的设备将接入新的网络基础设施,结合AI,物联网,区块链,机器人技术,这些技术带给我们的是万物互联,带动智能设备的爆发,彻底改变我们的生活。自动驾驶汽车、无人机、虚拟现实、制造业仅仅是一个开始,未来的生活将会更智慧,方便,同时工作方式,商业模式以及社会形态也有带来翻天覆地的变化。

说到万物互联我们自然想到物联网,物联网常见的词是 internet of things, 这其实算是物联网被包装之后的称呼,最早物联网应该被叫做ubiquitous computing 或者 pervasive computing,实际上就是让嵌入式的设备融入到日常使用的物体当中,让它们彼此互联并解决任务。 最标志的是1999年MIT Auto-ID实验室Sanjay Sarma, David Brock 和 Kevin Ashton 通过RFID tag 将普通的物品连接到互联网上。之后2000年,Neil Gershenfeld写了一本书叫 When Things Start to Think, 里面写到
“Beyond seeking to make computers ubiquitous, we should try to make them unobtrusive…. For all the coverage of the growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web, a far bigger change is coming as the number of things using the Net dwarf the number of people. The real promise of connecting computers is to free people, by embedding the means to solve problems in the things around us.”。

在Chana Schoenberger and Bruce Upbin在福布斯发表”The Internet of Things”的文章,里面引用了MIT Auto-ID Kevin Ashton 的话,“We need an internet for things, a standardized way for computers to understand the real world.”。

从此,internet of things 开始进入大众的视野,成为代表性的词汇。

我们常在见到的M2M通信,这一概念来自英文“Machine to Machine”,主要是指:不具备信息化能力的机械设备通过移动通信网络(无线网络)与其他设备或信息系统(IT系统)进行通信。M2M扩展的概念包括“Machineto Mobile”——机器对移动设备、“Machine to Man”——“机器对人”等等,旨在实现人、设备、系统间无缝连接。“M2M”的概念主要是由通信行业提出的, 所以M2M一般是由电信运营商建设和运营的移动通信网络。以GPRS的协议为主的蜂窝物联网,通信距离长,带宽可以,但是耗能。除了手机通讯以外,包括POS机、共享单车、车载GPRS等移动应用均有较广的使用。在过去十年时间内我们谈物联网应用,更多说的WLAN物联网,包含了Wi-Fi、Bluetooth 以及 zigbee、Z-wave代表的传感网,而M2M更像是物联网的一个不太主要的子集。


2014年初我第一次听到LPWA技术,正是在和公司参加TSB IOT demostrator,当时我们项目领头的是ARM公司,而那个项目组里面其中一个伙伴就是Neul。在ARM总部周围部署的所有传感器,从停车场,路灯到办公楼的能耗,办公室侦测系统都部署NBIOT,而我们当时的任务就是从Hypercat中获取,处理,分析这些传感器数据并且可视化。因为每个月都要到剑桥ARM总部参加会议解决项目进度,也最早看到了LPWA的原型机。它比传统意义上的传感网要连接多、速率低、成本低、功耗少。比如在同样的频段下,NB-IOT比现有网络增益20dB,覆盖面积扩大100倍。连接的支撑能力,NB-IOT一个扇区能够支持10万个连接。全球有约500万个物理站点,假设全部部署NB-IOT、每个站点三个扇区,那么可以接入的物联网终端数将高达4500亿个。同时NB-IOT的功耗更低,仅为2G的1/10。

当时英国首相卡梅隆就曾推广宣传这家公司,而当年项目完成没有多久Neul就被华为收购。而2016年6月,3GPP就发布了NBIOT标准,也从那时起以NB-IoT、eMTC、LoRa、Sigfox为代表LPWA – 蜂窝物联网技术的技术,把M2M和物联网重新联系在一起,并且开始占据着越来越重要的位置。于是现在大家说到物联网,更多说的是 LPWA的M2M应用。越来越多的行业认识到了M2M的优势,比如公共基础设施的监控如水表电表联网,商业上的自动贩卖机以及共享的白色家电联网,都可以节省不少人力和管理的成本,增加一定程度的自动化。



GSMA展望2025年,互联设备将从91亿增长到252亿;蜂窝连接数从7.6亿增长到31亿;而LPWA数量从6600万增长到18亿。来源于 GSMA Intelligence 的数据。

Today being so frustrated, spent 3 hours to move the angular2 test application to the digitalocean cloud because of some small issues.

1. why npm install doesn’t work at all for the angular-cli

try the npm install command, but after the installation, the node_modules folder is still empty.

solution: install the yarn, and use yarn for the installation

2. Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir ‘/root/dashboard2/dashboard/node_modules/node-sass/vendor’


2.1 install python
2.2 npm rebuild node-sass


很久没有动笔,下午更新完程序国内已经进入午夜,伦敦在4点也笼罩在夜色中,房间中黑漆漆的一片。有点疲倦的时候听到Les Miserables中的歌曲,思绪不由的回到年纪不过6,7岁,第一次看悲惨世界的电影,就被雨果笔下的人物和主题所震撼。小时候不知道信仰为何物,如何在世间的善与恶中做着抉择。但隐隐之中,心里暗暗的默认那是自己想成为的人。

For the wretched of the earth there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.



Originaly posted on FB Deep Dream // Tutorials group under this link: A little bit messy. Give me an info if something is unclear or bullshit.

Ok, so, you’re bored, have spare time, have working caffe on gpu and want to try train network to get rid of dogs in deep dream images… Here is tutorial for you. In points.

  1. Forget about training from the scratch, only fine tune on googlenet. Building net from the scratch requires time, a lot of time, hundreds of hours… Read it first:
  2. The hardest part: download 200-1000 images you want to use for training. I found that one type of images work well. Faces, porn, letters, animals, guns, etc.
  3. Resize all images into dimension of 256×256. Save it as truecolor jpgs (not grayscale, even if they are grayscale)
  4. OPTION: Calculate average color values of all your images. You need to know what is…

View original post 881 more words

Atmel | Bits & Pieces

The brainchild of MIT Media Lab’s Fluid Interfaces Group, Open Hybrid is an augmented reality platform for physical computing and the Internet of Things.

The Xerox Star was the first commercially available computer showing a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Since its debut in 1981, many of its introduced concepts have remained the same, especially with regards to how we interact with our digital world: a pointing device for input, some sort of keyboard for commands and a GUI for interaction. However, with many of today’s physical objects becoming increasingly connected to the Internet, Valentin Heun of MIT Media Lab’s Fluid Interfaces Group believes that GUI has hit its limit when it comes to extending its reach beyond the borders of the screen.


This problem is nothing new, though. Dating back the days of text-only command lines, interface designers have always been challenged by the imbalance between the countless commands that a computer can interpret, and the number of which one could store in their brain at one…

View original post 892 more words

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